Two tier phasing system (general public and business), which is data reviewed/driven.

There is a chance that society may not return to normal until some sort of vaccine is produced.

Till then we should inply a two-tier phased system.

One for the general public and one for business.
The idea is a 3(stoplights) to 10 tier system. This would be data-driven. Moving up and down as decided by the data.

We can allow small growth (numbers to be determined) but not exponential. If projected predictions become dangerous, we simply take a few steps back. One the numb offers stable, we can add another few levels.

Why both tiers:
Its easier to put restrictions on people rather than on business (Cant reopen, only to close the following week as easily)

Why more steps:
More steps make it easier to move between stages.

1) This can be a safeguard during flu season, taking extra precautions and easily reducing social interaction.

2)This scale should be data-backed. The government doesn't make guesses but rather looks at the data.

3) A data approach allows for both a safer more ethical approach while remaining in line with positive public relations.

Our reality will be trail and error. This is a safety net of sorts allowing us to minimalize any potential damage that increasing social freedoms would do.

Why the contribution is important

Balance. We need to safeguard people. We can give freedom in small parts to allow social interactions.

If the data shows sudden bursts of growths, then we simply recline.

People will be happy that they are safe and each phase will feel like new found freedoms.

by Searlas on May 06, 2020 at 04:23AM

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