Universal Income

Serious consideration for Universal Income for Scotland. This may be needed more than ever.

Why the contribution is important

This now needs to be a serious consideration. With uncertainty looming for so many this needs to be thoroughly looked at as an opinion for Scotland. Many people may be told they can return to work but can't because their children are still off school, many more people will probably have less work to go back to. Universal Income may stop the need for the majority of the different benefit sectors which would come as a saving but it could end poverty and that needs to be seen as a priority now as we could be fighting this virus for the foreseeable future and the outcome of it all may push people who are already on the line in poverty and those in poverty right down to absolute poverty.

by Kmsb on May 10, 2020 at 11:52PM

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Based on: 7 votes


  • Posted by Marmaz May 11, 2020 at 09:13

    No money to do this
  • Posted by Homebird May 11, 2020 at 09:25

    If I recall correctly some calculations done about five years ago showed that with the exception of the them housing benefit, UBI would cost exactly the same as the welfare system of the time did. It would also be without stigma, would be a huge step in tackling societal inequality and the reduction in bureaucracy and administration alone would make life infinitely simpler for those in need.
  • Posted by dmb May 11, 2020 at 16:57

    It's a very interesting concept, and in the current situation, would have saved the invocation of the extremely expensive furlough scheme, which we'll all be paying for via taxes, possibly for decades. If everyone had non-means tested UBI (the costs involved in means testing and administering all the difference current schemes, whether under UC or not, are huge) in combination with a realistic tax system there would be many benefits. Definitely something worth looking at for the future.
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