Unlock the lockdown ASAP
This form of lockdown is not sustainable and will destroy the economy. How long can a country go without working? Masses of people will soon lose their jobs if this doesn't end assp.
To end the lockdown:
1. Face masks in public spaces - surely we can manufacture it here
2. Spaces between people on public transport
3. People from low risk group should be able to go back to work to keep the economy going for everyone else
4. People from high risk group should be allowed to stay home (employment protection, income protection)
6. Those who can work from home should continue to do so to make space for those who can't work from home on the public transport
7. Test and trace implemented and compulsory quarantine for those with covid, phone tracking
We can still greatly reduce deaths from Covid by implementing the right steps without destrying livelihoods and the economy.
To end the lockdown:
1. Face masks in public spaces - surely we can manufacture it here
2. Spaces between people on public transport
3. People from low risk group should be able to go back to work to keep the economy going for everyone else
4. People from high risk group should be allowed to stay home (employment protection, income protection)
6. Those who can work from home should continue to do so to make space for those who can't work from home on the public transport
7. Test and trace implemented and compulsory quarantine for those with covid, phone tracking
We can still greatly reduce deaths from Covid by implementing the right steps without destrying livelihoods and the economy.
Why the contribution is important
We need to think in the long run and find a right balance. Current situation is not sustainable.
by BeataK on May 08, 2020 at 08:15AM
Posted by ThargX May 08, 2020 at 09:16
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Posted by ThargX May 08, 2020 at 09:17
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Posted by jonsnow May 08, 2020 at 09:40
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Posted by ArchieM May 08, 2020 at 18:43
Most of the recent deaths appear to be in care homes. why has our government still not got a grip on this?
There is no point is telling us that there is capacity for 10,000 to 12,000 tests per day without telling us exactly how many test are being conducted on a daily basis. If we are not utilising each and every tests on a daily basis we should be to.d about it and why we are not testing to our limits.
The government is quite happy to restrict the data provided to us it is quite happy control the media to only one question each and not permit the adults ( the public) to question them because they do not like the answers they will have to provide.
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