Unpaid carers

Reinstate day services and respite for those who are now reliant completely upon unpaid carers (usually family).
Many disabled people are living with their ageing parents who are struggling to cope without any support or respite.

Why the contribution is important

Many carers are at their wits end, especially those caring for people with learning disability or dementia. There may be difficulty for people to understand the restrictions and frustrations can result in unpaid carers bearing the brunt of challenging behaviours.
Mental and physical health can suffer and this could result in reduced quality of life and/ or reduced lifespan.

by carerbear on May 06, 2020 at 12:04AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.5
Based on: 17 votes


  • Posted by YMargaret May 06, 2020 at 08:24

    A very valid point. Unpaid carers need support to commence as soon as possible. People with Dementia are lacking vital stimulation by being in confinement for approximately 10 weeks now. Sadly saving our nhs being overwhelmed seems to have been to the detriment of our elderly being on lockdown or sadly passing away in care homes.
  • Posted by mwsutherland May 06, 2020 at 18:47

    Caring alone for a husband with dementia is soul destroying. It’s detrimental to mental health of both of us. He doesn’t understand why we can’t go to his favourite places nor can he remember about social distancing. His condition has deteriorated greatly through not having his usual social stimulation and activities. Some provision is required for both our sakes.
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