Use opportunity for radical improvement in climate initiatives ie bike use

Many cities in Europe are using opportunity of low car use just now, to radically improve facilities for cycling and walking by converting existing roads (especially in and around towns) into car free areas. We must do likewise. People are going to be understandably wary of public transport post lockdown risking significant increase in car usage, pollution and environmental damage. If we want people to switch culturally and permanently to using bikes or walking etc we need proper car free routes that allow meaningful safe commuting; between residential areas and towns, within towns and between towns, like the Netherlands. (not the current pathetic 2ft strip on side of existing roads where you are still next to traffic, and it randomly disappears on you anyway!)
If we get this right for individuals who are able to walk and cycle, making it the norm, public transport capacity can be freed up up targeted better for those who really need it. Make it more comfortable, more suitable (ie adapted better for wheelchair use etc) and with more space for social distancing.

Why the contribution is important

Prevents spike in car usage post lock down
Fits green/environmental policy
Improves public health and wellbeing
We’ve known this forever but hard to change culture, so use this opportunity to force change and make non car use the norm.

by Bee on May 06, 2020 at 10:35AM

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  • Posted by Douglasgjohnson May 06, 2020 at 12:23

    One also needs to make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Cyclists and pedestrians/ joggers should be in single file when passing. Bells should be compulsory and used when cyclists are approaching pedestrians . There are too many near misses
  • Posted by emckill1412 May 06, 2020 at 12:58

    ...a very sensible suggestion, the current infrastructure does not allow cyclists and pedestrians a safe enough alternative to public transport and car usage.
  • Posted by Am_Broc May 06, 2020 at 15:12

    Cha bu chòir dhuinn a dhol air ais dhan "àbhaist" às dè seo. Tha barrachd dhaoine a' cleachdadh bhaidheasgalan agus a' coiseachd a-nis air na sràidean sàbhailte, falamh againn an-dràsta agus tha càileachd an adhair air àrdachadh gu mòr. Bu chòir barrachd slighean gun chàraichean a bhith ann agus bu chòir barrachd smachd a bhith air càraichean ann am bailtean mòra.

    Bu chòir leudachadh mòr a bhith air còmhdhail phoblach às dèidh a' bhìorais gus na càraichean a chumail far na sràidean agus bu chòir an àrainneachd a bhith aig cridhe gach gluasad a-mach às a' ghlasadh-sìos agus gach gluasad gus an eaconomaidh ath-bheòthachadh.
  • Posted by marcro May 06, 2020 at 15:25

    Good, current bike routes are very disconnected and often rely on parts of routes on very busy roads with traffic
  • Posted by alpegu May 07, 2020 at 17:04

    It's a no-brainer, we are already seeing the positive effects and feedback from places where this has been implemented!
  • Posted by matthew123 May 10, 2020 at 20:39

    Use this as an opportunity to do many things very differently in order to reduce greenhouse gas emmissions. Not just increased bike use but severe restrictions on air travel; for those than can working from home should become the normal; invest in improved broadband for all parts of Scotland; no new oil development etc.
  • Posted by Acampbell314 May 11, 2020 at 21:21

    Agree! We would be silly not to ensure that any new normal wasn’t a new normal that also helps the planet. As we will only start to see more trouble with natural disasters and food resources along with many other resource issues if we don’t.
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