Use Sniffer Dogs to Detect C19 Fast and Efficiently
A woman whose husband had Parkinson's Disease noticed that other people affected by Parkinson's emitted a smell similar to that of her husband. Tests showed she was capable of detecting early signs of the disease to assist their medical treatment.
Dogs have nasal sensitivity some 1,000 times as powerful as humans. Dogs are used routinely at Customs to prevent drug smuggling and reach a high performance of detection, rapidly and accurately.
Dogs could be trained to detect Coronavirus by familiarising them with the odour from those with the condition and incentivising them with rewards for finding any others.
Dogs have nasal sensitivity some 1,000 times as powerful as humans. Dogs are used routinely at Customs to prevent drug smuggling and reach a high performance of detection, rapidly and accurately.
Dogs could be trained to detect Coronavirus by familiarising them with the odour from those with the condition and incentivising them with rewards for finding any others.
Why the contribution is important
The test screening process would be much faster and easier to manage than taking swabs for laboratory assessment.
by Adam on May 11, 2020 at 08:51PM
Posted by happyjolucky May 11, 2020 at 21:17
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Posted by DawnSilver May 11, 2020 at 21:45
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