Use the Health and Safety at Work Act

I read that there is lack of clarity re protecting workers and measures employers need to take. I think elements are far simpler than supposed bright people make out.

The Health and Safety at Work aims to ensure the prevention of harm to employees. It makes it clear the responsibilities of employers.

In decisions on what businesses /leisure facilities to reopen, then the employer must risk assessment all aspects of the work / impact on customers. They must ensure people remain 2 metres apart and communal areas remain clean. Where this 2 metres cannot be maintained, masks must be worn ( as in other countries). Where communal areas need frequent cleaning, this needs to be formally set up.

There also need clear rules for customers - 2 metres apart, one way travel, contactless payment etc. If the business cannot comply, they cannot open. If they open and don’t comply, the Law needs to bring fines and potentially prison for employers. Likewise, employees who do not comply can be disciplined - this is a matter of life and death.

In conclusion, I think we already have the Law in place to manage this. Businesses should already be preparing to open, as it is already clear what they need to do - protect their employees and customers.

Why the contribution is important

We don’t need to reinvent this - we already have the Law in place - we need to enforce it. We also have numerous businesses here and worldwide safely working, so can set up clear rules for all businesses based on best practice - key is using rules, not wishy washy vague guidance.

by DavidD on May 11, 2020 at 10:51AM

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  • Posted by Caledonian May 11, 2020 at 12:23

    HSE (Northern Ireland) has already published specific guidance on Covid 19 Risk Assessment.
    All employers big and small have a statutory duty to provide a Safe Working environment and the process for risk assessment is well established.
    I agree ,why re invent the wheel, perhaps a little Covid 19 specific guidance might be needed
    Employers need some lead time, so thinking on this needs to be done now. so that when restrictions are lifted there is a seamless return to work
    Risk assessments and surrounding procedures should be provided to employees so they know what has been done and the part they will play in ensuring a safe return to work
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