Use this as the perfect opportunity to raise the school starting age in line with other successful Countries - make something beautiful come from this for our young people - regain childhood

As a teacher with a lot of experience and interest in early childhood education, I can clearly see the value in raising the school starting age, perhaps even introducing a kindergarten stage.
Our little people need us, they need to be back at school, but only when it is safe to do so. My little people would be traumatised by returning and not be able to cuddle me, or cosy in while we share a story. We are continually working to develop language and communication skills and develop relationships and key skills through play. You cannot play 2m away from your friends. Slow schools to return when it is safe, but take the needs of children in to account. Perhaps older pupils could return first, allowing teachers of younger pupils to take half of the class and enable social distancing. Delay everyone’s transition until January giving time to readjust and take account of what has happened. A fresh, bright start for the children of Scotland. Every loud has a silver lining - maybe, just maybe, this is ours.

Why the contribution is important

Explained above

by Victoriasteel on May 07, 2020 at 03:41PM

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  • Posted by YMargaret May 07, 2020 at 16:25

    You might be on to something here, with Scotland always looking to Finland and other European countries models of school starting age. Plus the play pedagogy being very important now. Maybe they should seize the moment.
  • Posted by ACW May 07, 2020 at 16:49

    Yes! I grew up in Poland and started school when I was 7 years old. I could never understand why kids are sent to school at such a young age in the UK. Giving kids longer childhood while reducing numbers of pupils required to be in school during next few years of the pandemic might be a good idea.

    I assume that making changes like this will require some work, like changing curriculum. Perhaps others with experience in education can comment on how this could be implemented under the circumstances.
  • Posted by Redtwentytwo May 07, 2020 at 19:54

    I completely agree with this. I'm scared my little boy is going to have to start in August. Will be so hard on him to go from being at home with us 24/7 to being at school - potential without any play and people wearing masks. I think this would really damage him.
  • Posted by Dixiedoo May 11, 2020 at 17:48

    Yes, yes and yes to a kindergarten stage in Scotland. The evidence is there! See Upstart Scotland for all you need to know!
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