Vaccines - targeted to start with

If and when a vaccine is found and proved to work, I would suggest that a phased vaccination should be done. Starting with ALL the vulnerable people and the front line NHS and Care Staff. Then, the next phase would be pregnant women and children and then the rest of the populace.

Why the contribution is important

This strategy would protect the vulnerable people,as these people are the ones who are most likely to end up in hospital and therefore would reduce the strain on the NHS. Protecting the NHS workers and Careworkers as they are the ones who ultimately have to deal with the patients who get very ill.

by MaryK on May 11, 2020 at 05:17PM

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  • Posted by PMcM May 11, 2020 at 17:25

    I'm sure that's what they will do, it's common sense and they already do this with flu vaccine
  • Posted by Patrickscotthogg May 11, 2020 at 17:33

    Vaccinate the vulnerable you say? Did you not know that the one person advocating vaccines more than anyone else on the planet is Bill Gates? Gates is already on record saying the vaccine companies need indemnity ie insurance they would not be sued and he went on to say they might harm 700,000 people in America and he stated these would be the elderly and infirm with comorbidities. So Mr Gates suggested these people would be the most at risk from harm from the vaccines and many would possibly die from the vaccine but the vaccine would benefit the healthiest most. So Mr Gates wants to vaccinate the vulnerable knowing they might be most at risk from the vaccines.....were what he says true, would common sense not imply this group should NOT be vaccinated if they are the most likely to die? The question though really ought to be, is Mr Gates qualified to make any commentary on vaccinations at all?
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