Ventilation as an adjunct to the 2m distance rule in public transport
Ventilation could be used to provide fresh, uncontaminated air to each seat in public transport, so allowing higher passenger densities than the 2m distancing rule would otherwise permit. Even at 1m spacing, along with face masks, would achieve around 50% of historic capacity. this is much higher than the 10-20% that transport bosses are talking about at present.
Think of 2 occupants in a car, each has various air vents that can be directed to their face for fresh air, as opposed to the air circulating in the cabin, which could be contaminated.
Or think of an airplane, they have oxygen masks for each seat. These could be adapted for permanent use.
Bus and rail vehicles will not have sufficient installed ventilation for this but it could be added. Eg in the first instance, adding a surface-mounted distribution system to the ceilings, perhaps using construction industry materials. This being visible could help the public have the confidence to use this sort of High Ventilation (HiVe) vehicle.
Think of 2 occupants in a car, each has various air vents that can be directed to their face for fresh air, as opposed to the air circulating in the cabin, which could be contaminated.
Or think of an airplane, they have oxygen masks for each seat. These could be adapted for permanent use.
Bus and rail vehicles will not have sufficient installed ventilation for this but it could be added. Eg in the first instance, adding a surface-mounted distribution system to the ceilings, perhaps using construction industry materials. This being visible could help the public have the confidence to use this sort of High Ventilation (HiVe) vehicle.
Why the contribution is important
As we progress forward from the present lockdown it's imperative that public transport is effective. Otherwise, increasing the use of private cars would not be in keeping in dealing with the bigger, longer-term problem of carbon emissions and climate change. As society and the economy have been brought to a standstill, it is a great opportunity to start off again on the right foot, a greener foot.
by gmac508 on May 11, 2020 at 09:47PM
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