Visit parents

I have self isolated and followed the rules closely, and have no COVID 19 symptoms. My mum is the same and lives 120miles away from me. I just want to get in my car to go and see her. I will not stop and interact with anyone enroute. Please can you allow us to see our parents, my heart is breaking as I miss her so much. We lost my Dad to cancer in November and are a very close family.

Why the contribution is important

Family means everything to me.

by Traceyannhartley on May 10, 2020 at 11:56AM

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  • Posted by AnnMac May 10, 2020 at 12:54

    Too far away to travel to see parents more than a reasonable drive- plus social distancing still important then even if it was allowed.
    Think no longer than 1/2 an hour drive and would have to stay outdoors not in same immediate space -
  • Posted by Chatterbox May 10, 2020 at 13:16

    In principle I cant wait for this to be available. Cant understand why there is even a thought of opening garden centers, golf courses and swimming pools, yet we cannot meet family who have no signs of the virus and we trust fully. How can we lay our trust in strangers in other shops and social areas, yet we cannot trust our family members who have also self isolated for so long.
  • Posted by curracoo May 10, 2020 at 13:20

    In certain circumstances it should be allowed.
  • Posted by Traceyannhartley May 11, 2020 at 15:16

    I’m absolutely aware it’s classed as too far to drive to visit my mum. Prior to Covid-19 I visited my mum every 2 weeks. I cannot honestly watch anymore news about football clubs or other sports wanting to start when the majority of this country justs wants to see and hug their family.
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