Visiting sick children in hospital
Please consider lifting restrictions such as the number of people able to be at the hospital or making measures that in these circumstances friends and family can visit or travel (our family are 400 miles away) to enable families in these situations to have some support.
Why the contribution is important
Current restrictions on the number of named adults who can stay over or visit a child in hospital means we as a family are struggling to split ourselves between hospital and home. We also can not have our family or friends at home to support our other children in practical ways due to the lockdown measures. This places huge pressure on the family and us as a couple as well.
Our adult son who is happy to spend daytime hours sitting with our child in hospital is not able to due to the limits in place.
Our adult son who is happy to spend daytime hours sitting with our child in hospital is not able to due to the limits in place.
by NFB on May 10, 2020 at 07:57AM
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