Visits by mums/dads after birth

Allow dads and mums of the babyto visit but insist they wear masks to keep everyone safe, strict hand gelling and maybe restrict times and stagger people (better than nothing). We are due our rainbow baby very soon after 3 miscarriages and his dad is devastated he won't be able to visit.

Also allow allocated family to visit home in the case of someone needing a c-section so that help can be given afterwards.

Why the contribution is important

Partners are part of babies lives too and it is wrong they can't see their newborn. There is no guarantee how long a woman will be in hospital for after birth. Pregnancies have already been affected by this virus. It is important for parents to have that initial bonding time with their child.

by Jess on May 05, 2020 at 06:21PM

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  • Posted by loulou May 07, 2020 at 09:48

    We were lucky that our baby was born just before lockdown and dad could visit the ward. We would have been devastated if dad could not visit and it would have determined how long I chose to stay in hospital. I would not want to stay in hospital with my husband left at home on paternity pay or in our case unpaid holiday. It is a very emotional and stressful time especially for new parents they need to be able to support each other and enjoy every moment!
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