Vitamin D and covid-19
The problem with covid-19 is not people getting it but dying from it, especially those in care homes and also members of BAME communities. There is a growing amount of research which shows that some people in these two categories may have Hypovitaminosis D (vitamin D deficiency).
There is also research showing that those with Hypovitaminosis D have a higher incidence of requiring intensive care or dying. Some of this research is incomplete or not yet peer-reviewed though.
Article in BMJ shows this link "COVID-19 (Coronavirus) mortality disproportionately impacts BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) UK individuals and the institutionalised; particularly care-home residents. COVID-19 severity and mortality, appear related to vitamin D deficiency, helping explain higher COVID-19 mortality rates in BAME and the obese" also article in Technology Networks "Researchers Have Discovered a Strong Correlation Between Severe Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19 Mortality Rates" at
vitamin D levels in blood normally increase in spring and summer and decrease in autumn and winter, supplements may be required in winter and early spring, however with "Lockdown" still in force, many people will be unable to increase there vitamin D level.
In the interim it is essential that any patient admitted to hospital with suspected covid-19 should, where possible, have blood analysed for vitamin D and this plotted against the final outcome. If found to have Hypovitaminosis D should be sent to intensive care. In addition people in care homes and the BAME groups should be given vitamin D supplements as a precautionary measure.
Vitamin D supplements by the government to the wider population may be relevant as well, especially as there will not be a fully tested vaccine for some considerable time.
These supplements may also help to lower death rates if there are additional waves of covid-19.
There is also research showing that those with Hypovitaminosis D have a higher incidence of requiring intensive care or dying. Some of this research is incomplete or not yet peer-reviewed though.
Article in BMJ shows this link "COVID-19 (Coronavirus) mortality disproportionately impacts BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) UK individuals and the institutionalised; particularly care-home residents. COVID-19 severity and mortality, appear related to vitamin D deficiency, helping explain higher COVID-19 mortality rates in BAME and the obese" also article in Technology Networks "Researchers Have Discovered a Strong Correlation Between Severe Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19 Mortality Rates" at
vitamin D levels in blood normally increase in spring and summer and decrease in autumn and winter, supplements may be required in winter and early spring, however with "Lockdown" still in force, many people will be unable to increase there vitamin D level.
In the interim it is essential that any patient admitted to hospital with suspected covid-19 should, where possible, have blood analysed for vitamin D and this plotted against the final outcome. If found to have Hypovitaminosis D should be sent to intensive care. In addition people in care homes and the BAME groups should be given vitamin D supplements as a precautionary measure.
Vitamin D supplements by the government to the wider population may be relevant as well, especially as there will not be a fully tested vaccine for some considerable time.
These supplements may also help to lower death rates if there are additional waves of covid-19.
Why the contribution is important
While testing for covid-19 is important it does not directly save any lives, but does help to show who may need to be isolated.
Vitamin D supplements , however, may have have the ability to save lives directly, especially as the normal ways of obtaining vitamin D directly from sunshine (sunbathing, holidays abroad etc) is currently banned then supplements at the appropriate level is required to everyone.
Anything which can lower the death rate is surely worth trying especially as a lower death rate will enable a faster return to normality with shopping , education, working and recreation being eventually allowed again.
Vitamin D supplements , however, may have have the ability to save lives directly, especially as the normal ways of obtaining vitamin D directly from sunshine (sunbathing, holidays abroad etc) is currently banned then supplements at the appropriate level is required to everyone.
Anything which can lower the death rate is surely worth trying especially as a lower death rate will enable a faster return to normality with shopping , education, working and recreation being eventually allowed again.
by AlNelson on May 11, 2020 at 05:31PM
Posted by gmac508 May 11, 2020 at 21:56
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