Wastewater surveillance to inform localised lockdown tactics

Covid-19 virus is detectable in the wastewater system. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langas/article/PIIS2468-1253(20)30087-X/fulltext

Implement Covid-19 district wastewater surveillance programme to pinpoint outbreaks and inform targeted testing and localised lockdown campaigns.

Publish results via internet so that people can assess the localised risk levels and communities can take some responsibility to prevent virus transmission.

Wastewater surveillance could be implemented at schools, care homes and places of employment for early detection of outbreaks of Covid-19 and to enable facility managers to implement risk based lockdown campaigns and informed testing and tracing based on early virus detection.

Why the contribution is important

Wastewater surveillance may be a cost effective means of widespread virus monitoring.

Early detection in schools, communities and work places could significantly reduce virus spread and effectively target test resources.

Early detection in care homes could save many lives.

by KCTM on May 08, 2020 at 12:39PM

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