Wedding through digital media platform

The current restrictions are destroying people’s plans and events which have in most cases taken years to plan . A lot of people understand the restrictions are there for a reason but you’re telling everyone to use digital backed methods. We can not understand why you can’t allow a wedding to go ahead the facts of evidence is the same as you would if you go to a registration office hand in documents have them checked and take your certificate to any vicar priest etc. The fact of a digital ceremony is no different and any excuse of sham or forced wedding would be the same as a sham or forced wedding taken in any wedding venue. You’re asking people to stay apart and give up on family meeting, birthdays, jobs, holidays and more so why can’t you set up this open and easy thing to do. Most want specific dates for a wedding, this date can’t be replicated as by law the date on a wedding certificate is binding so allow people to get married online after satisfactory document submission. Receptions and holidays can be taken after the end of this virus but a couple with a special date for a wedding who lose the date then this date will never be there again. You can get a mortgage online, loans, driving licence s and passport renewals so why can’t you say your vows in a virtual media form such as zoom, FaceTime , Skype etc so long as your documents are checked prior to date and all evidence and identification checked both before and at time of online ceremonies

Why the contribution is important

Me and my fiancée were together 25 years ago, we had separated and gone our separate ways . 22 years later life brought us back into each other’s lives. We decided we want to marry again on what would have been our 25th wedding anniversary in June 2020, the date is so important to us as with most brides and groom a date of a wedding is special to that individual couple. We want our date if it passes then that date will never be replicated you can’t get that date on a wedding certificate after it passes so with out this form of ceremony we and many other lose it forever. It is a simple task to do , you’re asking families to meet grandparents over this form of media so why not let people marry.


by Chrismollitt on May 05, 2020 at 01:10PM

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  • Posted by DefinitelyNotBoris May 05, 2020 at 13:30

    Sensible idea.

    Shame about the last comment.
  • Posted by GladysMcC May 05, 2020 at 15:14

    My fiancé and I just want to get married. Our wedding was supposed to be in April. In March we realised that the wedding we had planned could not safely go ahead so rearranged the reception for October, with a plan to have a celebration ceremony then. We were desperately disappointed we were not allowed to marry, despite discussions with the local council, our MSP and MP. If you can have up to 10 people at a funeral, then why not allow weddings with minimum legal attendance or indeed do it through a digital platform for those have already submitted their marriage notices and paid the due fees.
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