Western Isles lockdown

Please allow couples to reunite and families to reunite in North and South Uist.
There is yet to be a confirmed case on these islands and people should be allowed slightly more freedom compared to mainland people.
Please keep the ferry and plane ban for non islanders in place and allow the local population more freedom to get back on track with their lives.

Why the contribution is important

To improve the mental health of families and people missing each other.

by Uist1 on May 10, 2020 at 02:59PM

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Based on: 11 votes


  • Posted by jcgreenhalgh May 10, 2020 at 15:56

    I live in the Isle of Mull and feel the same policy should be followed for all the islands. If we have no cases give us more freedom among ourselves.
  • Posted by Pattimer May 10, 2020 at 16:10

    This makes perfect sense. Hopefully more and more regions will reach zero infection rates and then and only then should travel restrictions be eased between only these regions. Let's eventually get Scotland down to zero rates.
  • Posted by MikeJohnston May 10, 2020 at 16:34

    Sympathise, but what about Skye?
  • Posted by Deedels May 10, 2020 at 17:02

    I Live on an island and feel we should be able to ease up but still restrict ocomers to local residents and deliveries
  • Posted by CatK22 May 10, 2020 at 21:11

    The islands are great candidates to be allowed to resume much of normal life.

    They could and should be protected from incomers.

    It wouldn't take long before they could be allowed to link up with other 0 infection areas.
  • Posted by JoeReade May 11, 2020 at 20:36

    Easing restrictions on an island on the assumption that the ferry will keep the virus out is dangerous. When the virus inevitably arrives, it will find it much easier to travel around an island population that has relaxed controls.
    Controls have to be eased slowly and carefully across the nation, and not removed in isolated pockets.
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