What is the acceptable level of death?
Across this whole conversation, whether about schools, family, work, sport, lockdown or whatever, all depend on getting an answer to this question.
The R-factor is one measure of this, as is the daily number of new presentations at hospital.
If you want to understand this, watch NY State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo:
- if in a hurry, skip forward 14 minutes, but the whole broadcast is instructive - for us all.
The R-factor is one measure of this, as is the daily number of new presentations at hospital.
If you want to understand this, watch NY State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo:
- if in a hurry, skip forward 14 minutes, but the whole broadcast is instructive - for us all.
Why the contribution is important
Unless and until we get the answer, little progress will be made.
by MikeJohnston on May 10, 2020 at 01:26PM
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