What’s my risk?

Create an online tool which enables an individual to assess the risk of catching the virus during certain activities e.g. supermarket shopping, going to a pub, golfing etc. We need to be able to see clearly which activities are high medium low or very low risk as we come out of lockdown. Allowing us to include our age and any pre existing health conditions would enable us to see the specific risk to ourselves of severe illness, complications and death perhaps expressed as a percentage. Information re the risk of spreading and advice re what to do and what to avoid could be part of the online assessment.

Why the contribution is important

As we move out of lockdown we need to be able to make our own sensible decisions about how we behave. To do that we have to be able to assess the risk to ourselves and others. It would also alleviate the need for blanket advice to certain groups e.g. all over seventies as if an arbitrary age was the only thing that made a difference. This is a bit of a blunt instrument in sorting out risk. We need some clarification in the long term and unfortunately it looks like living with the risk of contracting coved 19 is something we will be doing for the foreseeable future.

by Emax2020 on May 10, 2020 at 10:25AM

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  • Posted by Bannerman May 10, 2020 at 15:05

    I do not believe that there is enough certainty and precision in the data that is currently available to give the kind of information and guidance that is being proposed here. It could take years for researchers to answer some of the key questions regarding this virus.
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