When Allowed to Meet with Selected “Bubble” of People

I feel when we are eventually allowed to meet up with our selected Bubble of people, it should be done outside. I.e. the visiting “bubble” should bring their own deck/folding chair and still remain 2 metres from their “bubble” group. Masks should be worn during visits by each bubble group. The visit should be a maximum of 2 hours initially until monitored. Obviously, this could be done on dry days within garden areas or if no garden within either bubble then within suitable other area. No exchange of teas/coffees/hospitality to prevent cross contamination. Each bubble could bring their own picnic. A max of 2 hours would help reduce the need to use toilets belonging to the other bubble group. Chairs from each bubble should be restricted to their own bubble and not interchangeable. People should be able to enjoy a beer or glass of wine without being subject to current legal restrictions about taking alcohol outside. Obviously this is open to abuse by certain individuals in society but decent living and responsible people need to have some feeling of socialising to help them keep going.

Why the contribution is important

It’s important because it enables a safe form of socialisation and reduction in isolation which will help motivate people to continue for as long as neccesary. It also gives people an element of control and responsibility.

by Meerykat on May 05, 2020 at 03:43PM

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  • Posted by Cowden May 05, 2020 at 15:49

    This is an invite for those inclined to socialise in large numbers, there is no way this can be policed in the correct manner families should not be travelling to meet up and have garden parties under any circumstances.
  • Posted by Fifewifey May 05, 2020 at 15:50

    While the above clearly represents good practice, sadly not everyone would follow this advice
  • Posted by byminutes May 05, 2020 at 15:57

    With people already driving out with their home areas why are bubbles supposedly restricted to family and friends who live nearby and what is "nearby". Once this bubble approach is even suggested people will just start visiting who ever they want classing themselves as "in the bubble". Bubbles will not work, they will be abused. Only certificated testing for any people meeting with others will be safe.
  • Posted by ABM May 05, 2020 at 16:00

    This seems reasonably sensible.

    It is as good as a glass of wine over the fence with neighbours.

    Keeping 2m apart with their own chairs, glasses and drinks etc it is no more hazardous than passing others on a public footpath.
    This would be a safe form of socialisation and it could ease anxiety and be beneficial to all participants.

    Common sense!
  • Posted by jgray2020 May 05, 2020 at 16:06

    @fifewifey those same people are not following the current advise anyway.
  • Posted by kathman May 05, 2020 at 16:10

    Although I would love this to happen it would be difficult to police. Some people are already socializing in groups and meeting in up different households.
  • Posted by Scot1234 May 05, 2020 at 16:11

    This gives no consideration to those with young children, as it is impossible to prevent young children seeking affection/touching their family members (who bear in mind they haven’t seen in nearly 2 months). The mental health of Scotland is deteriorating & when deciding upon introducing social contact measures it should take into consideration EVERYONE, even those shielding. Sadly if it doesn’t, given the decline of people’s mental health it is likely people will begin to “break” the rules. I have already seen it starting to happen. Social interaction as per Belgium’s potential way forward, ie private gatherings of 10 (continuous) people would be more fair to everyone?. We stayed at home, protected the NHS, saved lives, now please allow us to see our families, all of us.
  • Posted by dhayles May 05, 2020 at 16:25

    people would abuse this, but at the moment on lockdown you still get people abusing the system and doing their own thing. Police can't be everywhere. I think when appropriate starting in the garden and at a distance would be best
  • Posted by Mrswed May 05, 2020 at 16:53

    People are already starting to go out more & see people. The effect it is having on mental health is huge. I suffer & the last 3 weeks have been absolutely awful.
    I live out in a small village & there have been so many more cars in the road & huge amount of cyclists on the road.
  • Posted by IanHerbert May 05, 2020 at 17:17

    I feel that initially the “bubble idea” should be limited to “direct family lineage”, thus limited to including family members - e.g. grandparents, parents, and children of parents. This would allow “family households” to get together.
  • Posted by MrsBoggs May 06, 2020 at 00:36

    Why even bother meeting under those circumstances? Households should join with those in a similar risk category (their bubbles) and enjoy the experience without fuss.
  • Posted by Cathy_Baldwin May 06, 2020 at 01:07

    What about those of us with no family or family who are far away? Are we supposed to stay alone (at the worse end of the mental health at risk spectrum)? 51% of the UK's households comprise of a single person and the above idea would inflict further torture on them whilst allowing those fortunate enough to have families to meet?
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