Wifi/Internet Access is a Fundamental Human Right

Access to WiFi and or a secure internet connection should now be seen as a fundamental human right in Scotland. Covid has shown us the true depths of digital poverty in Scotland. An issue we thought had been solved pretty much due to the enormous amount of funding given to the public, charity and third sector to tackle the issue. Obviously this has not been done to a suitable degree across the country and now is the time to cement it as a fundamental human right. Just like other utilities a stable and secure WiFi or internet connection is required to fully participate in society. Covid has shown up the need for this access to be declared a human right and now is the time hold up such rights for people in Scotland. It also has the added benefit of helping keep people at home, which is the only way we will combat the pandemic and save lives.

Why the contribution is important

Because WiFi/internet access should be seen as a humans rights issue for both children and young people and adults to fully participate in society.

by ShumelaRLP on May 07, 2020 at 01:11PM

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  • Posted by lmg1612 May 07, 2020 at 15:10

    No it's really not a fundamental human right. Your health will not suffer if you have none or limited WiFi access.
    Food, a roof over your head. Water, medical care.
    Freedom to move around your country, see your friends and family. Work. These all are.
    No one ever died from not having Facebook.
  • Posted by Susan May 07, 2020 at 15:28

    An issue highlighted by lockdown, particularly for children (on line learning) & adults trying to access benefits / benefits advice.

    I have wifi at home. I do not have a printer. I rarely print things, but if I do I use the local library computers. I am only marginally affected during lockdown. However, people who have no wifi / device of their own rely on library computer access for benefits, job applications etc.
  • Posted by markymalarky May 07, 2020 at 16:10

    The heavy reliance on digital infrastructure at this time does , I think, highlight the need for SGov to prioritise on delivering some of its digital commitments , such as high speed broadband for all , and development of national LPWAN .
  • Posted by RichardThomson May 07, 2020 at 21:10

    We are not living in 1920 and the internet is an essential tool to participate in society, to access benefits, to access public services, to communicate, to have influence such as responding to this forum, to learn, to reduce costs etc. Our whole society is now structured around accessing the internet.
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