Wild camping in the hills or on the coast

Allow people to 'holiday at home' by gaining access to our sparsely populated hill country and coastline.

Why the contribution is important

Wellbeing of a significant part of the Scottish population.

by aloneinthehills on May 08, 2020 at 11:17AM

Current Rating

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Based on: 11 votes


  • Posted by iambob29 May 08, 2020 at 13:00

    Good idea - campsites are problematic because of the shared facilities, but wild camping in the countryside seems like very low risk for contagion to or from others
  • Posted by DCowan1996 May 08, 2020 at 13:07

    I appreciate the frustration of being trapped in a house all day apart from the daily walk or other peoples preferred use of that time. Also as someone who enjoys camping I understand the urge to do so, but in saying that I would have to disagree with you due to the main fact that anything can happen at any given time whilst out camping in 'sparsely populated' parts of Scotland this may put yourself at risk and the emergency services for example mountain rescue and coastguard at risk when carrying out rescue attempts. You may also develop symptoms of Covid whilst on your trip and get stranded.

    Imagine this happens in the highlands and your potentially alone for hundreds of miles. The highlands and islands don't have many respirators.
  • Posted by Sulphonamide May 08, 2020 at 13:08

    While I am desperate to do this (before the Highland midges fully waken up), I do worry that if it is one of the very few things that people can do, then the countryside will end up packed and trashed (just look at the mess often left where people already illegally car camp - and the amount of litter left on now-packed local paths).
  • Posted by JLMBD May 09, 2020 at 16:54

    It might be a risk you are willing to accept for yourself but it it irresponsible to risk the welfare of Mountain Rescue, Coastguard, Air Ambulance, Paramedics, Police, recovery vehicle drivers and anyone who uses the same fuel pump or shop as you. Communities in wild places are under-resourced and at the moment they have trouble getting the supplies they need for themselves. Raigmore only has 28 ventilators and they are needed for Highland people who live in the areas Raigmore serves. Unless you can guarantee 100% that you won't have an accident or breakdown on the road, a slip, trip and broken leg in the hills, and that you won't need to buy fuel for food then it's irresponsible to risk the welfare of others by taking unnecessary trips. There are a lot of ways to improve mental welfare other than travelling distances all over the Highlands to communities that don't currently have any cases of COVID-19 but do have many vulnerable residents.
  • Posted by lizacole May 09, 2020 at 18:31

    Authentic wild camping would not be an isdue. However, unfortunately many, many people do not understand the meaning of wild camping. Campervaners use the term for parking overnight without a hookup, and there have been enormous problems in the countryside eh the Loch Lomond area with fires, damage, litter and other antisocial behaviour.
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