Work with the UK Government

There are experts outside of Scotland, rather than carrying out work twice and costing Scottish tax payers twice. Lets be efficient and work with the UK Government. Lets come up with a work programme where we agree to share activities so that there is no, or less duplication. We should be doing nothing on the basis that the idea or solution did not originate in Scotland.

Let's use the app too.

Why the contribution is important

I hate waste. Resources right now are short.

by seasidelad on May 05, 2020 at 02:00PM

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  • Posted by jriddell May 06, 2020 at 11:32

    I would prefer working with other EU government who have shown better success at tacking the problem. Ireland is our neighbour and has done much better than us by any metric, it would be worth working with them instead.
  • Posted by Pearl16 May 09, 2020 at 17:49

    Agree another utter waste of resources and tax payer money to develop a system separate from rest of UK. Also practical issues for the south of Scotland whose population are closely linked to the north of England. (Please remember Scotland does not begin with the central belt). Further problem with those travelling cross border such as delivery workers if apps are not compatible.
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