Working from home

Having worked from home while in lockdown, I have found there is very little I can't do to get my job done. I think for sometime to come companies that have employees that can work from home should be allowed to. This will keep numbers out of the office and help employers be able to keep staff that need to go into the office safer and easier to arrange social distancing.

Why the contribution is important

This helps keep people safe and helps the economy start up again safely.

by Birniej on May 09, 2020 at 01:50PM

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Based on: 13 votes


  • Posted by SteveR57 May 09, 2020 at 14:02

    I agree. Additionally think how many sq meters of office space will be freed up. Think down the road about how travel for business will change. Heathrow third runway should be killed right now. That’ll save a fortune.
  • Posted by cdgilmour May 09, 2020 at 16:11

    Completely agree. If people are able to work from home for the foreseeable future, this should be an option.
  • Posted by JLMBD May 09, 2020 at 16:35

    I agree, where it is practical to work from home it is a good option. It also saves unnecessary travel, reduces transmission on public transport, and helps the environment.
  • Posted by JMB May 09, 2020 at 16:44

    I agree. Frees up workspace and much less traffic on the roads.
    Saves money and the environment.
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