Working from home

Encourage those that are able to fulfill their jobs at home to continue, I am currently working from home and I find I get more done, communication is not a problem and reducing my carbon footprint by not spend 2 hours in car a day to and from work

Why the contribution is important

Will help in reducing global warming as well as reducing the spread of covid-19

by Kendo on May 10, 2020 at 01:33PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.9
Based on: 14 votes


  • Posted by Elkie May 10, 2020 at 13:39

    Yes, wherever possible, employers should become more flexible and offer employees more choice.
  • Posted by GHeg May 10, 2020 at 14:31

    Make it attractive to work from home, subsidise home working to cover extra energy bills
  • Posted by normamacgill May 10, 2020 at 14:39

    Agree home working should be made more attractive to employers by tax rebates. Helps the environment and protects public transport.
    I as an over 70 would feel ok to meet my son if he were still working from home, but not if he returned to his office.
  • Posted by Mitchei May 10, 2020 at 14:42

    I have now been working from home for six weeks, having never been permitted to do so before. Like the original poster, I feel I get more done, mainly because my morning prep and travelling time has gone from my daily routine. However, my employers needs have to be considered too, and I feel that over the years much legislation has been forced on employers which almost allows certain groups to dictate their own terms and conditions, and causes resentment among other staff. Flexibility is a great thing, but there has to be a balance too. I really don't think employers need any more laws forced on them at this time. For many employers having the staff in the workplace is the better option.
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