Data and Technology

- On what issues would you like data to be collected or published differently?

- In what areas do you have the most concern about ethical data use?

- How can we most inclusively engage with people on the issue of ethical data use?

Why the contribution is important

We want the Open Government Action Plan to reflect public priorities, so we're keen to hear your views

by Maddie_ScotGov on June 04, 2021 at 01:44PM

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  • Posted by alexstobart June 11, 2021 at 15:54

    Events in Covid and in the recovery show the open data, openness and transparency underpin citizens' trust in governments and the public sector. Going forward, it will be important for the economic and health plans to be transparent and for data to be open. Civil society can contribute to this and co-design effective solutions in Scotland.
    Who the data is for is also important and citizens have started to enter this dialogue.
  • Posted by Ruchir June 13, 2021 at 10:41

    Ensuring public trust
    Governance and co production
    Control and choice through Explicit and Informed Consent Cyber security
    Transparency and openness and Accountability

    environment sustainability
    Technology can reduce environmental impact
    Some blockchain implementations e.g. Bitcoin use energy wasteful algorithms.

    Inclusion and equality
    Digital media is not always accessible and some people can be left behind
    Some machine learning algorithms are biased against some equality groups
    Machine learning algorithms can reinforce echo chambers within which people reinforce their worldview
    Artificial intelligence and automation may be threatening to some jobs.

    Source: https://www.digitalexplorer[…]%20digital%20transformation
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