Inclusion and Accessibility

The Scottish Government needs to uphold it's own Public Sector Equality Duty! The first time any information appeared about this consultation - "We've identified the 5 themes which we think may form the basis of our next Open Government Action Plan - and now we want your input. Get involved and have your say now!" was today, Thursday 6 June 2021.
The closing date is 13 June 2021 - which means that the timescales on this make it utterly inaccessible to many, particularly those who are disadvantaged in terms of digital poverty, disability and time (e.g. carers and shift workers).
so ensuring that people are aware and timescales meet the PSED would be a good place to start.

Why the contribution is important

the Scottish Government talks a good talk about inclusion and accessibility...has legislation in place that is meant to insure that...BUT, AS THIS SHOWS, THEY DON'T ACTUALLY DELIVERY INCLUSION AND ACCESSIBILITY.

For once, please do what the law says you should do

by PARodger on June 10, 2021 at 11:23AM

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  • Posted by Maddie_ScotGov June 10, 2021 at 12:24

    Thank you for your comments. While this does not constitute a formal consultation, we are mindful of our equality duties and are happy to make provision for anyone to contribute their ideas through any alternate means. This opportunity was first advertised on our twitter on Monday 7th, and following feedback, we have now extended the deadline for involvement to Monday 21st June.

    However, this ideation platform is intended only as the first step in our co-creation process, which will include extensive engagement with civil society as well as a series of workshops at which we will strive to engage a representative sample of the public. If this does not prove possible, we will look to engage directly with any underrepresented groups through other means.
  • Posted by alexstobart June 11, 2021 at 15:58

    Inclusion and equality and other requirements can be met through joint working and making resources available. The Connecting Scotland Program will bring many more citizens to use digital devices and the accessibility, education, training and inclusiveness of this process can be a benefit for all people, carers and communities involved.

    It would be good to design this into the program.
  • Posted by davidsomervell June 18, 2021 at 18:59

    Please consider opening your arms to a reflective Panel of people whose views you'd like to be considered and then take them into your confidence and build up the sort of dialogue that PARodger is rightly ranting about
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