legislate now please.

my idea is fairly straightforward. Legislate now to assume FULL control of Social Security and Taxation inc powers currently reserved to London. Let the UK Govt challenge if they dare. Without these I doubt Edinburgh could gain enough cooperation from DWP esp to bring this good idea forward.

Why the contribution is important

see above.

by robg on August 19, 2021 at 01:03PM

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  • Posted by Dober67 August 20, 2021 at 12:14

    All benefits should be devolved to the Scottish Government, as our government knows their citizens better than someone at the other end of the U.K. and have no clue about what happens in Scotland on a daily basis. In Scotland we can get 4 seasons in one day, and the rest of the U.K. weather isn’t like ours, so having to rely on the U.K. government for giving us cold weather payment, doesn’t seem right. I would have thought that they would be delighted to get rid of the cost of benefits to Scotland.
  • Posted by Langbank1 September 11, 2021 at 06:05

    Give it a go I say - as you're suggesting it there should be no need to bother with London. I could do with a boost to my meager weekly "wage" of £80 (less £60 for costs etc
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