Border issues

Cases of positive infections continually arrived in the UK, even after it was known this was a virus which would be severe.
If the borders had been closed as in Australia and New Zealand , we would be in a much better situation today and would have been able to open hospitality. Much sooner.

Why the contribution is important

This issue must be investigated and decisions made should there be any future pandemics. We are an island, we could have stopped incoming infections.

by Susieq on September 23, 2021 at 05:19PM

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  • Posted by Smith123 September 24, 2021 at 13:15

    If this is to be examined then the scope must include questioning if closing borders had any impact, as well as a cost/benefit evaluation.
  • Posted by Jacky September 30, 2021 at 17:48

    All governments should have a pandemic response formulated. It might not be perfect but it will be a good starting point instead of all of the flapping about that happened
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