Examine the affect of media ‘leaks’ on the mental health of the population

The enquiry should look at the frequent practice of ‘leaking’ stories about possible impending restrictions to the media, especially in autumn 2020 but also in recent weeks, when there was media speculation around another ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown in October. The enquiry should look at why these leaks kept happening and also the impact the leaks had on the mental health of the Scottish people.

Why the contribution is important

Mental health implications of frequent media leaks must be seriously considered.

by ACM on September 24, 2021 at 04:01PM

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  • Posted by djay September 26, 2021 at 21:26

    Perhaps we need to ask some questions about the involvement of behavioural science in this - keeping the public distressed and disorientated to attain compliance.
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