GP’s during pandemic

GP’s stopped seeing patients during pandemic. Why?
Chronic disease reviews stopped.why?
The need for GP’s didn’t stop.
Why is there still an issue to see a GP?
Many cancers have been/will be getting missed because of this. chronic diseases will be badly managed.
GP’s are funded to see patients and review them so how are they getting funded now?

Why the contribution is important

As a nurse I have seen first hand the effect of patients not being able to see their GP. Cancers have been so advanced they are untreatable.

by susanc on September 27, 2021 at 07:38AM

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  • Posted by Stewarta September 27, 2021 at 09:38

    Can we please consider that GP's worked in line with pandemic guidance and have been seeing patients, if required.
    Myself and another family member have both undergone cancer treatment during 2021and if anything my GP has been even more accessible than usual and support from all clinical staff has been fantastic. I agree that some people may have been seen at later stages for treatments, but GP's were always open and supporting patients. Not all surgeries may have appropriate ventilation etc to facilitate face to face appointments.
  • Posted by Mdewar September 27, 2021 at 15:40

    At no point have GPs stopped seeing patients. GPs were told to halt CDM but have continued to see patients either virtually or F2F according to clinical need. Primary care staff also manned the COVID hubs and have assisted with the vaccination program.
    This initial post is harmful and disrespectful, please consider removing it.
  • Posted by ICC September 29, 2021 at 16:11

    Different areas may have had better experiences than others. Getting to see or speak to a GP during covid has been a challenge in ur area. Getting a telephone contact was taking up to 14 days and actual vists/meetings could take three weeks. Receptionists acted as gate keepers. Practices were giving callers set times of the day when patients could telephone for different services. Receptionists unable to handle a phone call that had more than one point. Could not order prescriptions at same time as asking for a phone call or a face to face appointment. Was quicker to phone NHS24 if matter urgent. Same service continues even with restrictions lifted. Reluctance by GP's and prafctice staff to vist homes where a patient was too ill to travel outwith the house. Failure by practice staff to understand that many people, especially the elderly were not IT literate and did not have smart phones/tablets/pc's
  • Posted by Mgtmail September 29, 2021 at 17:01

    Everyone has their own experience. Whilst some may have had access to GPs others, like myself have called at 8am and perhaps upwards of 80 calls before getting through, only to have an automated system of 9,10,11 choices, when you eventually speak to a person, the answer is always the same. No appointments left. I have had two members of my family who tried unsuccessfully for 3 weeks before having to be taken to A&E which by that time they were suffering form very serious non Covid conditions. To those who were able to access GPs thats great and my sympathies to those who didnt- who knows how many died during those attempts
  • Posted by Brenda7657 September 29, 2021 at 19:48

    GPs are still not open for business as usual in north Lanarkshire .... it is scandalous
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