Impact on access to cancer services and hospice care

Impact on access to cancer services and hospice care during the COVID-19 Pandemic must be reviewed.

Why the contribution is important

COVID-19 had a devastating impact on the ability to access cancer services and ultimately on patient outcomes. Furthermore, individuals who were unable to access hospice services for end of life care , experienced unnecessary suffering.

by FThompson on September 28, 2021 at 02:55PM

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  • Posted by jlaverie September 29, 2021 at 07:47

    This is shocking that individuals suffering other illnesses had to suffer more. All illnesses can be treated safely
  • Posted by MillieMoo123 September 29, 2021 at 10:29

    The complete closure of all patient services within the hospital environment was unnecessary. It was panic led and ill advised. Where were these clinic staff during this period of closure? The hospitals have bank staff which could have been utilised either with the inpatient demand or the clinic requirements. Telephone/Video consults could have been in place with face to face consultations as and when necessary. The public were abandoned at this time and people have lost their lives because of this. We should have contingency measures in place in the future to make sure this never happens again.
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