Measuring impacts of restrictions on children's mental health

One could argue that the restrictions in place for Covid are also taking us farther apart from each other on a number of levels. For example, physically ('social distancing', plastic screens), socially (mask wearing affecting how we communicate - lack of expression) and mentally (concern around who has Covid, who could transmit it, etc). Constant bombardment of safety messaging can only be based on an underlying presumption that the world is actually not safe, to be then given this type of communication ad nauseum. This is an example of unspoken damage.
We need to carefully weigh up the impact of these ongoing restrictive measures on growing youngsters and consider how this is shaping their world. When we ask a child to wear a mask, or advise them they can't see this friend due to a safety concern, it's a not a 'nothing'. It gives a message. Over and over. Given the mounting evidence on lack of efficacy around lockdowns, masks and distancing, how can we in good conscience, continue on this path in Scotland?
How is the mental health of our young people, now? Can CAMHS shed any light?
If on balance, there is more harm being caused than EVIDENCED 'good', these restrictions need to stop.

Why the contribution is important

Scotland aims to nurture its children and be the 'best place to grow up'. Guidance and inspired initiatives from Government impacting workforce practices do make a difference, such as Trauma Informed Workforces, use of ACES, GIRFEC/child centred planning, etc. Yet, the unrelenting, confusing and dehumanising restrictions from the same Government are causing a significant amount of harm to our young people, impacting their mental health, feeling of safety in the world, trust and resilience. I see a huge contradiction. By now, this generation's sacrifice must be considered enough if we truly want to nurture healthy young Scots. It's important because our children are our future.

by DKR on September 29, 2021 at 09:07PM

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