Role of the media

To investigate the role the media played in the disinformation/misinformation broadcast to the public

Why the contribution is important

Because the MSM were continually broadcasting anti government messaging!

by Mikerid on September 24, 2021 at 10:55AM

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  • Posted by meganldwis95 September 24, 2021 at 13:27

    I would like the MSM to be transparent when they report daily figures. In Scotland we have the worst drug record, but the media shy away. When it comes to covid they seem to have it all, but still not enough.
    Why won't you publish deaths of vaccinations, side effects? Why won't you highlight the case numbers in those vulnerable to the public domain and those with 1 or 2 jabs with covid receiving Healthcare. Because we would then learn to trust the government and MSM but without factual information from for and against we can't trust them. We can only hold them accountable for mishandling and misuse of power and to seek harm to others.
  • Posted by Dizzy1 September 30, 2021 at 16:19

    A trustworthy fact checking service is required to hold the media to account.
    Also someone who is critiquing the science papers to show the public why certain actions are taken/required
    Much like ISage but available to everyone
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