Scientific debate

The inquiry should look into why scientific debate was suppressed in favour of a single narrative / approach.

Why the contribution is important

At a time of crisis it is important to welcome different views and debate them instead of shutting down opposing views. There were hardly any debates on national television so that people would hear both sides of the story. Instead we were fed one narrative and non-stop fear campaign to the point people couldn't even relax in the their home without being bombarded with Covid adverts.

by smskar on September 28, 2021 at 01:23PM

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  • Posted by DKR September 29, 2021 at 20:01

    Agree with this comment. Without proper public debate and different angles and approaches considered, proportionate to the level of actual medical threat, the Government runs a high risk of engaging in what looks like propaganda. Science without questioning is no more than dogma. True science can be and is welcome to be questioned because this process reflects a genuine pursuit of truth. It would be reassuring to see this in the current circumstances.
  • Posted by djay September 29, 2021 at 21:38

    The government didn't run a risk of engaging in propaganda: they ran an intensive propaganda campaign.
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