Vaccinating healthy children

The inquiry should look into the decision to vaccinate healthy 12-15 year olds, against the advice of the JCVI.

Why the contribution is important

Jason Leitch had said that the Scottish Government hadn't deviated from the JCVI's advice in 30 years.
Again and again we've been told that the government follows the science.
Bearing in mind that
- the vaccine doesn't stop you from catching the virus or transmitting it to others &
- healthy children have a very small risk from developing serious disease as a result of catching SARS Cov 2

why didn't the government choose to be cautious and wait until more data was available? Why didn't the government follow JCVI's expert advice, whose sole role is to advise on vaccination and immunisation?

by smskar on September 26, 2021 at 08:59PM

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  • Posted by DKR September 29, 2021 at 20:10

    Are the Govt tracking the health statistics in places such as Israel and America who have already vaccinated a large proportion of children and teenagers? Please look into the percentages of harms caused, including myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly in young men who did not have these issues prior to vaccination. How is this actual risk being measured against any potential benefit?
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