Why did Scot Gov illegally shut churches/other places of worship?

During the second lockdown, churches were shut in Scotland but not the rest of the UK. The Court ruled this was not legal. The court case also alluded to a decision taken by the First Minister to cap attendance much lower than the figures provided to her as a safety guide. The Scottish Government also tried to open pubs in the summer of 2020 before places of worship. Why did the Scottish Government make the decisions it did with regard to churches and other places of worship?

Why the contribution is important

Freedom of religion is a foundational freedom in a democracy. Many religious people had their human rights overridden by these disproportionate decisions, which a court ruled unlawful. I think it's important to know why places of worship were treated disproportionately.

by lp17 on September 24, 2021 at 01:20PM

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  • Posted by djay September 26, 2021 at 20:48

    A good question. Contrast that with off-licences which were considered "essential" by the government and remained open throughout despite the predictable negative effects that would have.
  • Posted by Julie September 28, 2021 at 18:27

    Even now in September 2021 I am forced to wear a mask to attend worship but could drink in a pub or dance in a nightclub without one. Why?
  • Posted by Lornamcgonigal3 September 29, 2021 at 08:14

    Why are we still being made to wear masks in church despite larger buildings being able to distance their congregation to 2m.
  • Posted by McKenzie September 29, 2021 at 12:35

    Why do I need to wear a mask to sing and worship when large crowds can sing at events and chant and shout at football matches etc. Why indeed have places of worship been treated differently and disproportionately
  • Posted by RMC76 September 29, 2021 at 14:40

    Places of worship are clearly being dicriminated against - especially with regards to the wearing of face masks. I wrote to my local MSP and councillors and to the First Minister regarding wearing masks in schools and places of worship. Some, but not all, replied regarding the issue of masks in schhol. Only the Scottsih Conservative Party MSP acknowledged the injustice of wearing facemasks in church. The other parties clealry don't care.
  • Posted by jenga135 September 30, 2021 at 22:47

    Being required to wear a mask during worship services but not whilst dancing / singing in a nightclub, or shouting/ chanting at a sporting event, shows a high level of discrimination by the Scottish government. When looked at in this light, it is an unfair and discriminatory restriction.
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