A New National Park in the South West

Galloway should be designated the next national park in Scotland. It is an area of outstanding natural and beauty and cultural significance, Galloway has significant economic challenges, there's a 'brain drain' from the area, and visitors tend to head north rather than considering the beautiful south west.

Why the contribution is important

Think about the economic impact of Galloway being a national park. And protecting the natural beauty of the area must be considered.

by Wolffie on June 06, 2022 at 08:56AM

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Based on: 4 votes


  • Posted by PaulTarling June 06, 2022 at 09:25

    This would be beneficial to the citizens of Galloway helping the tourism and the employment prospects
  • Posted by DameKelly June 06, 2022 at 10:57

    Galloway should be designated as a National Park so it is put on the map with a national and international badge which highlights it as a place with many special qualities, both natural and cultural. The most important issue is to address the social and economic needs of everyone in the area. It is one of the lowest wages economy in Scotland, with limited opportunities for employment. The area needs a dynamic economy to meet the needs of existing people and to attract new people to live and work here.
     A national park designation would underpin significant progress in tackling these vital issues as well as celebrating the spectacularly beautiful natural environment.
  • Posted by crossmoira June 06, 2022 at 13:09

    Galloway is the natural place to look for a new National Park. It is a truly unspoiled area of outstanding natural beauty. There are great opportunities to explore a still wild and sparsely populated area off the beaten track. Although it would not be good to saturate the area with tourism beyond the capability of the infrastructure, as has happened in some Highland and Island areas, there is the capability to absorb a considerable number of additional visitors. This would be of great economic benefit to the area.
  • Posted by allanmcdowall June 06, 2022 at 13:53

    The Kingdom of Galloway is an outstanding area and is crying out for tourists to benefit and grow the economy. We need jobs for young people and we need the overarching designation of a National Park to tell people we are here. If not, we will remain a forgotten corner of Scotland.
  • Posted by RobB June 06, 2022 at 15:24

    The proposition for a 'Galloway National Park' is consistent with the proposal to establish a UNESCO Global Geopark in Southern Scotland with many important and accessible sites describing the geological history of the Southern Uplands

    A UNESCO Global Geopark aims to involve the community at all levels to stimulate businesses primarily linked to ‘geotourism‘ - i.e. tourism which sustains and enhances the identity of a territory taking into account its geology, environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage and the well-being of its residents. Geological tourism is one component but others relate to all aspects of the natural environment (land and in coastal sites marine) including national parks, nature reserves, gardens, historical and archaeological sites as well as the built environment; along with cultural and sporting activities and locally sourced produce.
  • Posted by Spike June 06, 2022 at 17:01

    Galloway is an amazing place and there are organisations and designations that already acknowledge and support that view. National Park status would not be the solution.
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