Maintaining existing economic activity eg. agriculture, while allowing environmental diversity to flourish

People live and work in all areas of the country and any new national park would inevitably be in more populated areas of Scotland than the existing parks.
Making sure people can earn a living locally is essential as a new park can't become a glorified museum set in the 1950's.
Agriculture and forestry are the main economic drivers in any of the proposed new park areas so they have to be an integral part of any plans and must be given the chance to develop businesses so they are not hampered by unrealistic park regulations.

Why the contribution is important

People living and working in any area are the lifeblood of that area

by Colinmair59 on May 25, 2022 at 12:09PM

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  • Posted by malcolmrdickson May 25, 2022 at 13:43

    As a campaigner for a Scottish Borders National Park I wholeheartedly agree with this idea. Land use in this part of the world varies quite considerably and so the landscape has been hugely influenced by agriculture, forestry and other economically necessary forms of land use. It is a worked and working landscape to a larger extent than the existing two parks and that work cannot be stultified by over-regulation. See our idea elsewhere here for planning control in the Scottish Borders.
  • Posted by Johndotvee May 25, 2022 at 22:36

    I also agree that if any new national park comes along it should not be to the detriment of existing land users . We do not need it to become simply a glorified country theme park where Business expansion and sustainability are encouraged as the economic drivers of a new national park .Therefore it is vital that existing land managers are front and centre on any management committee , people who know what makes the area tick and have been involved in previous management of the area .
  • Posted by ricc45 May 26, 2022 at 12:58

    Tourism is already an important component of the economy of our rural areas, and offers much-needed opportunities for rural businesses including farmers and other land managers looking to diversify their incomes. This brings us back again to the importance of visitor management for the benefit of both visitors and locals.
  • Posted by AndrewPym June 05, 2022 at 21:47

    This is key to the success of any National Park. The opportunities for business and employment are important. That is equally true of forestry and farming, which are the main uses of land. Both need to be successful in order to meet the needs of the nation and underpin the local economy. But most farms provide a living for one family in each generation and there need to be opportunities for others to stay in the area and prosper.

    Housing is also important and there needs to be a debate about second homes and holiday homes, but this is not central to National Park considerations. They are matters for review in wider housing policy debates because many areas, both urban and rural, are affected by a reducing ability for local people to buy or rent homes in their local areas. National Park plans need to provide for adequate housing development within a framework which ensures that there can be local homes for local people.
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