National Park Criteria

The designation of a new National Park must be based on sound natural capital principles in order to address the twin global crises of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Why the contribution is important

Without that as the basis there is a risk it will be designated on the grounds of PR activity - i.e. those who shout loudest or smartest.

by Spike on June 06, 2022 at 11:30AM

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  • Posted by Barrview June 06, 2022 at 11:42

    The National parks Act in Scotland sets out clear principals for designation and these remain as valid today as they did in 2000.

    An are must be able to demonstrate that its natural and cultural heritage is of national or better still of international significance. It must be an area with a distinct identity and finally it must be an area where a national park will make a difference.

    The work done by GNPA demonstrates that all of these indicators are present in galloway with the Biosphere demonstrating the International quality of the environment. The area has a proud history and a distinct identity but is suffering many of the problems of peripherality with limited jobs and low wages an outmigration of young people and in-migration of older people so that it has the oldest population of any part of Scotland.

    If ever there is an area in Scotland that meets the Act's criteria it is Galloway
  • Posted by camusfearna June 06, 2022 at 14:02

    I don't agree that natural capital principles should be the sole basis on which national park designation is considered.

    There needs to be a rationale, a raison dêtre, to establish a national park and incur the set-up and ongoing costs (which will reduce funding elsewhere) and it is not clear what this is in the case of Galloway. Also, it does not make sense to identify administrative areas as the basis for identifying the boundaries of a national park. Further, there already are a number of nature designations across the south of Scotland plus the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere, the Galloway Forest Park which is the UK's first Dark Sky Park, plus a new dedicated economic development agency, South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) which should be given a few years to bed in and deliver before consideration is given to another public body being established in the area.
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