
Look after Scotland's nature as though the country is a national park. It is impressive how much the National Parks can achieve, but this leads to inequality across the country in terms of staff resources; funding for nature and climate projects; research work; biodiversity baseline analysis and work and volunteering opportunities.

This can be seen on many levels, including the struggles that UNESCO designated areas have to get even small amounts of funding to support their work. National parks have many tens of directly employed staff, which provides the resources to access large tranches of funding on top of their Scottish Government support.

Why the contribution is important

At a time of biodiversity and climate change crisis it is vital that we hold all of Scotland, and the seas that surround the country, in the same regard as national parks and provide an equitable distribution of resources to support this. We have long accepted that reducing inequality is vital to our human communities. It is now time to do the same for nature.

by CV on May 18, 2022 at 10:19AM

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