Urban National Park

The traditional view of a National Park is a scenic area but this excludes access for a large part of the population who do not have the means to travel to the parks.
Glasgow has a number of parks and these can be linked to provide an Urban National Park

Why the contribution is important

There are a lot of people in urban areas who cannot afford to travel to visit National Parks this will be an incentive to bring the National Park to the people.

by Stebyr on May 13, 2022 at 07:51PM

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Based on: 4 votes


  • Posted by SueDalton May 21, 2022 at 12:05

    I agree that the urban environment is important to nature. We need to get back to natural back gardens instead of decking and paving. Also that proximity of nature is important for education and wellbeing. We need wild flowers on roadside verges, natural roofs on bus shelters, plants on the outside of buildings etc. We are a part of nature and we need to get back to making it everyone's lived experience.
  • Posted by JeremyHW May 21, 2022 at 21:59

    The concepts of accessible urban greenspace and corridors is very valid, but I don't think this is at all what a national park is about.
  • Posted by Olliethesnail June 02, 2022 at 10:53

    Given the success of the London Project, I think to consider an urban national park project could be enterprising, innovative and address the wellbeing of all species including human. Yes it would look different to a traditional national park but Scotland has the capacity to be innovative and this is essential in a population that is mainly urban and suburban.
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