Allow Vet Visits

Allow vets to see animals that may not require emergency help.

Why the contribution is important

I have a mental health disability and have medical approval that allows my Service Dog to accompany me everywhere as per the Equality Act. Part of my responsibility of owning a Service Dog is to make sure that he is healthy and groomed.
I took him for monthly health checkups, teeth cleaning, nails and such but since the lockdown have been unable to do this. This is something I am required by law to do but can't unless its an emergency...however, if I'm living up to my responsibilities its never and emergency, if it is an emergency then I'm in trouble with my disability and ability to go or do anything!

by Ben on May 08, 2020 at 09:21AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.9
Based on: 15 votes


  • Posted by anniemckain May 08, 2020 at 09:56

    This would be fairly simple as social distancing with owner could be put in place. Same with dog groomers
  • Posted by Elkie May 08, 2020 at 13:36

    I agree, a visit to the Vet, even if not an emergency, should be possible. Most pet guardians are not always able to distinguish between treatment which should bee given and treatment which is urgent. And Vets are certainly capable to keep themselves save.
    Dog grooming salons are a completely different affair. Not only human social distancing would have to be observed. Dogs can carry the virus on their coat.
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