Class those living alone as vulnerable regardless of age
There needs to be a contact system in place to ensure that single person households can get emergency help when they have no one close by who can help them.
Why the contribution is important
Solo households have no one to help in emergencies and the COVID19 crisis has shown just how easily we can be cut off. These people all need support to avoid situations that are potentially very dangerous for their health. It should not be assumed that only older people or those with pre existing medical conditions are vulnerable to sudden illness or other emergency if they live alone.
I contracted COVID19 and had no one to get food or other essential supplies for me. It was assumed that if I became ill enough to need to go to hospital I would be able to call myself an ambulance. Not guaranteed if you can't breathe! I was lucky to have gotten through it but was not classed as vulnerable so was unable to get food delivered. Those who live alone are generally only classed as vulnerable due to age or existing medical conditions. Isolation has shown that everyone who lives alone is vulnerable when they are left unable to get food or emergency help for themselves. The focus has been entirely on families and as a group we have been left out because we don't matter.
I contracted COVID19 and had no one to get food or other essential supplies for me. It was assumed that if I became ill enough to need to go to hospital I would be able to call myself an ambulance. Not guaranteed if you can't breathe! I was lucky to have gotten through it but was not classed as vulnerable so was unable to get food delivered. Those who live alone are generally only classed as vulnerable due to age or existing medical conditions. Isolation has shown that everyone who lives alone is vulnerable when they are left unable to get food or emergency help for themselves. The focus has been entirely on families and as a group we have been left out because we don't matter.
by Catslave on May 06, 2020 at 07:11PM
Posted by WSR May 06, 2020 at 19:38
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Posted by theresasheldon May 06, 2020 at 19:40
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Posted by rossb May 06, 2020 at 20:01
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Posted by Lasteele May 06, 2020 at 20:24
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Posted by Susan May 06, 2020 at 20:58
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Posted by Countrygirl100 May 06, 2020 at 21:04
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