Home testing

There has to be more home testing kits made available, at the moment there’s a system which favours wealthier people who have cars and drive to a testing centre where poorer people without cars are left scrambling for the tiny amount of home tests which are released from time to time, this can cause panic and make people feel very left behind. I know that it might not fit the Scot gov strategy for purely clinically led testing outcomes but it might alleviate some of the distress felt by people who are stuck at home constantly worrying whether they have the virus or not? I think this will prove to be a big problem if it it’s not taken into account very soon!

Why the contribution is important

More home testing kits made available on a daily basis, just like the panic buying, the initial rush will dissipate and people will feel less desperate to get hold of a test if they know more will be coming!

by Piacere on May 08, 2020 at 10:09AM

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  • Posted by Elkie May 08, 2020 at 10:20

    Reliable antibody test are desperately needed for everyone. Having constant access to infection tests would be counterproductive for sufferers from anxiety.
  • Posted by Jamg May 08, 2020 at 10:22

    To get a true picture we need to target the home testing at those at risk not an on demand for the worried well. People who are genuinely housebound but have multiple carers attending, essential workers, contacts of known or suspected cases. Whilst we are in lockdown a free for all policy will not work. More importantly will be home testing for antibodies to see if we have had the virus. This will need to supported by a verification system to ensure the correct person is identified and also a certification system to allow people to go into more crowded places. i.e. public transport, flights etc

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