Life on the border

Many people in south east Scotland transact most of their daily living requirements in England as their nearest town is Berwick upon Tweed. It would be impossible to live or work if different lockdown restrictions were imposed in the Scottish Borders and Northumberland. We shop there, go to the dentist, doctor, hairdresser, optician, and even our main public transport hub is over the border in Berwick- which means some of us cross the border four times a day just to take a train to and from work or college/uni in Edinburgh or Glasgow. This is the most forgotten part of Scotland when it comes to Government policy. We are not merely crossing the Border for supermarket deals, but because it is the closest shopping hub by a long distance. This is the reality of life so close to the border.

Why the contribution is important

It is the subject of much discussion in relation to different approaches for different regions when easing out of lockdown.

by SawersL on May 06, 2020 at 11:41AM

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  • Posted by worstludditeever May 06, 2020 at 13:05

    While I disagree that it would be impossible to manage different restrictions across the border, it will be necessary to account for the border in any variations.

    Not something I had considered previously, so thank you.
  • Posted by DeclanSB May 06, 2020 at 13:50

    This is a description, not an idea. People who cross the border between France and Switzerland or Luxembourg and Belgium on the daily can manage different regimes in different jurisdictions just fine, I'm sure the people of the Borders are not uniquely incapable
  • Posted by lmg1612 May 06, 2020 at 13:50

    I too had never considered this. I've supported keeping borders closed, but having read this I stand corrected. Thank you
  • Posted by Catsmother May 06, 2020 at 23:05

    You could say the same for those living on the border of NI and the ROI though. The shopping example is interesting as I believe shops will be socially distancing both sides of the border for months to come. I would not think these types of restrictions will differ in any meaningful way. Border communities everywhere will be well used to managing differing legislation, there are already different Sunday trading laws, drink driving laws etc etc. The vast majority of individuals cope perfectly well and, in any case, such divergence as may exist purely for mitigating the coronavirus crisis will only likely be for a very limited time. It is a fact that Scotland is behind England on the virus curve, but only by a matter of weeks. Surely saving Scots lives is worth 2-3 weeks of minor adjustment at each phase of easing lockdown?
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