Phased Return

Firstly, I feel that we should all have adequate PPE before returning.

Secondly, Pupils with complex needs are at a higher risk of negative outcomes from infection. This I believe a team of ASN Teachers armed with PPE should teach these vulnerable children at their own homes or at a safe venue by safe I mean somewhere quiet with very limited numbers of the public.

Why the contribution is important

We need to protect our most vulnerable children. This would help to achieve this goal.

by Emser on May 10, 2020 at 11:53AM

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  • Posted by AnnMac May 10, 2020 at 12:59

    Totally agree with this- ASN teachers will be very vulnerable as will the pupils. The very nature of working with ASN pupils the social distancing is impossible- Must have PPE in place and the idea that teaching these children must be done in a safe way for both is an essential requirement for anything to go ahead.
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