Rent reductions

As landlords have been given a mortgage holiday, offer similar holiday on paying rent to tenants. Or even just put in place a reduction so that they don't have to struggle with paying full amount when they're being paid nothing or at least much less than normal. I know many people struggling with this, and many landlords who are not prepared to be reasonable.

Why the contribution is important

Currently really struggling to pay rent, and despite asking landlord they are refusing to reduce my rate of rent.
This is unfeasible in the current climate, and feel uncomfortable in this situation, as with many others. The restrictions on evicting until September are not enough to protect people in this position.

by glee67 on May 10, 2020 at 02:44PM

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  • Posted by Robert1000 May 10, 2020 at 15:02

    And many who are!
  • Posted by LesFraser53 May 10, 2020 at 15:17

    Holiday but the mortgage and interest ultimately will have to be paid. I do agree, however, that landlords need to be flexible with rent payments.
  • Posted by kirst10 May 10, 2020 at 16:37

    Agree - unrealistic for people to pay rent at this time
  • Posted by activeandvibrant May 10, 2020 at 17:20

    Our income comes from rental. Tenant is only paying 60% of rent as he says he cannot pay more. Our bills have not reduced to 60% of norm. Our fear is that he will become so far in arrears that he will not be able to pay it back for a long long time and may just decide not to pay at all leaving us with a messy eviction to finance or he may just abandon the property leaving us with a deficit and legal issues to follow before we can reset. We do have sympathy for people in this situation just now but landlords have to live too. Most only have one or two properties and have invested capital monies this way to provide a regular income so little savings to fall back on and no Gov support. Always two sides.
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