Schooling digitally

On the proviso that it may not be safe for children to all attend school together for some time groups of teachers would work together to deliver and implement online teaching for children to access at home. This would become the Scottish curriculum for the time being ensuring that everyone in Scotland gets the same teaching. Groups would work from early level up and it would go along with pupils being in school. This consistency would mean that we could try to ensure that children all have equity, and councils could ensure each child has access to ICT at home to be able to access this.

Why the contribution is important

There is a lack of clarity over expectations of families and schools in Education. There is also a big risk of the widening of the equity gap. This would seek to remedy these issues.

by Teacher2020 on May 05, 2020 at 08:06PM

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Based on: 23 votes


  • Posted by Walmer3 May 05, 2020 at 20:40

    Wholeheartedly agree with the need for nationwide consistency of delivery and quality but there are significant groups of children (eg ASN needs) who may be mainstream schooled and intelligent but yet not respond well to online environments. This idea would need built-in provision and designing of specialist methodology to properly and fairly support these groups of children.
    Likewise the childcare aspect would need properly scoped and determined alongside business and industry, as there is an assumption that continuing delivery of schooling to the home means that a parent is available (and not working full time) to care for the child.
  • Posted by adnil May 05, 2020 at 20:41

    Already seeing difference between friends in Glasgow schools starting highers syllabus remotely straight after easter and a fuller timetable while my sons east ayrshire school gets around 2hrs of work A WEEK and doesn't plan to send any for another 2 weeks.

    How can children from schools weeks behind compete with more organised schools. I appreciate teachers are busy preparing for remote learning, surely this can be delivered at a national level and equally.
  • Posted by WeeBee May 05, 2020 at 21:03

    Guidance is needed regarding what schools should be providing online. I see no reason why teachers should not be providing timetabled, age appropriate webinars and one to ones for children of all ages. Targets regarding these should be set and performance reported.
  • Posted by JWatsDoune May 05, 2020 at 21:53

    Thankfully my kids’ school are doing an excellent job, but there does indeed to be national guidance issued
  • Posted by Shunty May 08, 2020 at 09:31

    I have been working from home and attending training sessions, webinars etc. and working effectively without going to the office. This could be applied to education where physical contact is not required which covers about 75% of subjects.
  • Posted by cherry May 08, 2020 at 22:48

    teachers need to step up to the challenge, no evidence of this so far, the leaders and headteachers need to get a plan together asap and stop hiding at home protecting themselves whilst vulnerable children are suffering. Education is a mess. All other public sector works and key workers are stepping up and doing their jobs.
  • Posted by Eleanormullan May 09, 2020 at 07:01

    Online working even with quality resources realistically cannot be delivered consistently by parents. Many are still working and / or are taking care of other children. It can may be be done for older children who work independently. Not younger ones
  • Posted by practitionerparent May 11, 2020 at 21:52

    Yes to clarity, consistency and guidance for teachers.
    Need to address the issues of - working parents, children with ASN, support for parents to establish good practice, realistic expectations, flexibility, breadth of curriculum (not just literacy and numeracy) and choice for children.
    Flexibility and understanding for children and families struggling to implement home learning
    Focus on play and recognition of the importance of down time for all children, especially for children in stressful environments. Educating parents on the value of play and establishing a good balance of play and formal learning, done well this will reduce pressure and anxiety on children and parents and be more sustainable.
    Focus on outdoor learning and practical activity to meet a wide range of interests, spark curiosity, keep children engaged and excited, not just work sheets.
    Utilise teachers creativity. Set up a focus group of teachers to develop robust ideas that reflect the reality of what children need and what is possible in the situation.

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