Separate areas in parks for people to go jogging

Have designated separate areas in parks for people to jog in where feasible- I totally understand the need for people to let off steam with preferred form of excercise but the current system in city parks has everyone all trying to excercise at different speeds on the same crowded park paths which are much busier than usual. Having a separate area for running and walking could give people with underlying health conditions more peace of mind that they will not suddenly be overtaken by a jogger they haven't seen and make it easier for social distancing to be maintained

Why the contribution is important

To reduce anxiety when people are out excercising and to help with social distancing

by Rachel_T1502 on May 07, 2020 at 08:52PM

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Based on: 11 votes


  • Posted by covidodger May 07, 2020 at 22:09

    Research has shown the aerosol left in the wake of joggers can be much more than 2 meters. Please consider people out walking and what you leave in your slipstream for them to inhale.
  • Posted by Ret64 May 08, 2020 at 09:29

    Or separate times of day for joggers. It is incredibly difficult to feel safe when joggers run up behind, or come round a corner in the opposite direction and make no effort to distance.
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